bfat's pic collection

Here ye shall find me pics.  Feel free to steal them- I horked them all from other people's pages anyway.  :)  They're divided up, so it should be pretty easy to find what you want.  Also, be sure to check out the "links" page to find more great pics (the places that I horked these from where they have even more stuff).  My favs are at the bottom.  Enjoy!

**Warning:  Episode Pics page 8 contains pics from "The Truth."  If you have not yet seen the ep and do not want to be spoiled, I suggest you avoid this page.  All the other pages are safe though, so dig right in.  :D**

episode pics promo pics movie pics
secondary character pics candid pics

These are my favorites- ones that I thought were a little different or just really funny.  Click on the thumbnail to make bigger.

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