loves Scully and Scully loves Mulder. It's a Wonderful Romance."
-Chris Carter, Series Creator
This site
exists to promote the belief in MSR (that's Mulder/Scully romance for any
newbies) and to provide a fairly comprehensive (I hope) collection of images
as well as an episode guide from a shipper's point of view, links to other
great sites, and my own collection of fanfic (written by yours truly).
Look around and send me some email
to let me know what you think.
that might be important... or perhaps not. |
*NEW* - A joint fanfic from the Haven's Fanfic board, entitled "The Haven." (Clever, eh?) It's funny and smart and it was *so* much fun to work on, so you should read it.
Finale Poll - how do you feel about the series finale of the X-Files? Let the world know...
Truth Quote - Check out what Frank Spotnitz had to say about "The Truth," the final episode of the X-Files.
Ship - a message board for discussion and for shameless self promotion.
Post a link to your website here and I'll include it on my links page if
you'd like. Come on- you know you wanna. :)
a Quote - the Quotes page is now accepting
a Note of Interest? - the NoE page is dedicated to the nitpicky little
intricacies and random factoids from the X-Files that you might not
have noticed or known, or things that got cut out of the finished episode.
For example, did you know that the grave stone that Mulder and Scully stand
in front of in "Irresistible" says "Ray Soames?" It's the same headstone
from the Pilot episode. :) Check out this link to discover
last site update: 09/22/02